My first months with Python

João Pedro dos Santos
3 min readJun 19, 2021

I started studying Python in early 2021, because is a programming language very spoken nowadays, and that caught my attention, so I decided to do a Python course from ZTM Academy, Python Zero to Mastery.

One of the things that most caught my attention before starting the course was Python use to IA, I didn’t know anything about how to do it, how that works, but I wanted to try and see how it is.

The month of April until the middle of May were one of the most complicated, because I needed to learn everything from zero, again, but for someone who already knew to code with C# and JS, it was pretty simple, but what I sinned most was lack of motivation.

Basics stuff like data types, if statements, it was easy, but it became something “boring” because I already knew it, I just had to learn how to do it according to Python. The topic of generators was something complicated, I even thought that Python wasn’t for me. After middle May, I started to explore a little deeper the topics in the course, and Python started to get my attention, so I did little projects, like:

Guessing Game
This one was easy to do, but it’s the first fun mini-project I did with Python, my first contact with error handling and principally “modules”.

Images with Pillow and Files with OS
I developed simple stuff with Pillow, but I was wondered about how simple is to work within images and change them. I thought it interesting too, use “os”. In the code below, we can see me making a copy of the image and converting it from .png to .jpg, and changing to another folder.

Another very simple thing, but I was impressed with how easy it is to send an email with Python.

As I said before, everything is simple, but has a lot of meaning, is just my start with Python, which is a programming language that caught my attention, every day more. Nowadays I’m adventuring in IA, looks a little complicated now, but what matters is the fun.

